Excellence in Action

by Dr A.M.Singhvi
(CEO, Author, Professor & Coach for Intellectual Empowerment of Enterprises and Weaker Sections in the context of his Global track record of transforming People and Processes for superior Products and Services )

An All Inclusive Knowledge & Competency driven Society
People and Enterprises compete for profits, growth and better standard of living by focussing on superior outcomes from their skills and efforts. Sooner or later, they run out of steam for absence of a level playing field, particularly for minorities and weaker section.
Despite the best efforts and initiatives from Government, NGO's, Philanthropic organizations and well meaning individuals, for want of financial resources an access to cheap higher education and skill developement opportunities, the weaker sections including a significant proportion of minorities are not able to participate in the economic and social all round development of the Society.
We at the Centre for Capability Enhancement and Skill Developement aim to deliver requiste Knowledge, Skills and Techniques that will make Weaker Sections(including enterprises and people) more competitive at least cost.Dr A.M.Singhvi the Founder provides his services to weaker sections at " Dollar A Day " .
We also follow the Philosophy " Pay What You Can ".
Competitors and rich well educated people catch up, they outsmart weaker sections. Somewhere they fall behind, and our purpose is to enhance their capability to avoid such situations.
Mission & Purpose
To support the Enterprises, Weaker Sections and Minority Societies and the Nation, in Competence Building and Poverty Reduction Initiatives.
To Build the Will, and assist the Enterprises & People to become more efficient in conserving Earth’s Resources by eliminating waste, defects, break downs, interruptions of all types in both public and private domain.
Building Capabilities
This requires transfer of Knowledge and Development of skills for productive application and deployment of the acquired knowledge.

The participants and beneficiaries of enhanced capabilities will be able to play a significant role in conserving the resources on the one hand and making our nation more competitive as a result of the acquired skills for the development of superior competencies.

Young Graduates
Startups Enterprises
Existing Enterprises
Creating Value
Building A Great Enterprise
(Things to Remember)
  • Believe in your vision and your business. Commit to it.
  • Define shared values and let values rule.
  • Build and synergize corporate capabilities.
  • Focus on and care about customer.
  • Create a winning organization.
  • Describes the path that the Company will take in the coming years. It clearly defines the goals that are set out to achieve. All strategic decisions are based on this Vision.
  • Why the company is in business? What company strives to accomplish? Where are they going?
  • Describe the approach and the manner in which we want to work to achieve our goals. See the following example to differentiate values and principles
  • State how company wants to conduct day-to-day business. Used to guide daily decisions.
  • A global company must continuously comply with different legal frameworks and cultural conditions and constantly conduct in a manner that helps to fully achieve our self-established standards and expand.
  • What company does - Goals Drive long term decisions and define strategic directions. Organization may have different goals for different business units or departments.
  • Why does the business matter? Gives purpose and meaning to organization's work. It will answer the entire "why" questions for an organization. It is the purpose or intent of an organization.
  • Total Quality management: future issues that need to be addressed today
  • Integrated system of quality management covering Processes, People, Structures, Technology, and Customers.

Transformation & Change

This is about Top Management. Middle and shop floor people lose their interest. They do not understand what the top is trying to do, the negative effect of absence of a common language, language of excellence, lack of passion, and feeling of frustration leaves less and less number with required enthusiasm and willingness to stretch.
How to ensure recognition of the need for change?
How to align people to the process of change?
How to determine what needs a change?
How to decide the direction content, quantum, and depth of change?
We believe a holistic model would help in Transiting from this state to a level of higher competitive ability of weaker sections and stabilising achievements on which further competencies and competitive strengths could be build.
We will also address the following issues
  • confidence-inspiring or energy-arousing vision of the corporate future
    ambitious but realisable plans for the future, based on customer satisfaction and staff motivation
  • clear concrete goals applicable to everybody
  • organisation based on delegation right down to grass-root level:
  • work units take on responsibility for achieving results
  • work units are allowed the initiative to achieve results
  • helpful management attitude based on support and encouragement
  • clear rules: what the company expects of its staff and what the staff expects of the company - remuneration, benefits, qualification and promotion prospects, fair recognition for hard work and initiative
  • Constructive attitude to work: quality first, sense of reality, i.e. an ability to reason from facts, profound understanding of work processes, in order to achieve results, rigorous implementation of PDCA cycles for all operations, relentless quest for improvement
  • firm commitment to progress: difficulties perceived as opportunities for exercising the active intelligence of the workforce , obstacles received as opportunities for developing new methods that will be more robust, more elegant, more ingenious and less costly
Successful company strategies are those which elicit full cooperation from all staff throughout the company, those which manage to involve suppliers and distributors, those which focus R&D efforts on actual customer expectations. Successful strategy means the staff the fulcrum for each and every operation.
Content of Change and Issues
Some of the areas are Technology, Quality, Costs, Marketing. How ever the key area remains the Mindset and Culture and Creativity. Adherence to a systematic and disciplined approach remains one of the major key issues. The best of the systems and procedures are either forgotten or over looked except at the time of ISO audits
Executing Change
Non involvement of all the employees and all the locations either drags the process of change or makes the change ineffective.
Many employees remain dispassionate and uninspired about the contents of the change and the way it is executed.
We provide necessary tools and techniques along with the conceptual frame work for the successful management of the change process and transformation to higher levels of sustainable superior all round performers.
Self Assessment

Outline of consulting operation
Our consultants guide the Management Team through the following stages:
Review the main questionnaire themes:
Management commitment, quality policy, company strategy
Personnel management, resources management
Understanding of customer satisfaction and customer needs
Staff satisfaction and integration in the local community
Management of process and operational results
Compare points of view on these themes.
Evaluate the situation on the basis of concrete facts.
Draw up an improvement plan.

Prerequisite for success
Accurate, unbiased analysis of company strengths and wasknesses.
Sound reasoning, based on facts.
clear, wide-reaching perception of main orientations for improvement
Commitment to follow through priority improvements.
Lean Manufacture
Setting Up A Lean Manufacturing

Lean production systems bring the following benefits:
Radical improvement in production unit performance as regards response to customer demand
Advance in overall productivity, through elimination of operations that do not add value
Integration of production and support teams in product lines operating as mini-companies
Operator control over plant environment, with drop in breakeven point to optimize utilization of plant capacity
Improved sense of staff self-management and responsibility

Target results
Diagnosis of production unit.
Develop mobilizing vision of company and production system.
Redesign flow and organization logic.
Mobilise all staff (shop floor and offices).
Set up cross-functional pilot (from order entry to product delivery)
Achieve major performance improvement on pilot process and consolidate benefits on production line.
Deploy benefits to other product lines.
Outline of consulting operation
RIQM consultants guide the Management Team through the following stages:
Prepare for company or equipment diagnosis:
Summaries previous diagnosis and audits
Evaluate opportunities for company or plant development
Analyse customer satisfaction and future customer expectations.
Design detailed diagnosis Programme:
Determine sites, functions and administrative levels for diagnosis
Conduct complementary customer survey if required.
Conduct diagnosis.
Analyse results
Draw up a plan for smooth and effective implementation of the forthcoming changeover.
Determine implementation schedule

Prerequisite for success
Open-minded attitude and full awareness of the benefits to be reaped.
Commitment to implement change.
Unbiased analysis of the real-life situation.
Wholehearted participation from Management Team.
Value Adding Process
The Integrated Model
The Model
· Managing in turbulence time

· The four management function
Ø Planning
Ø Organizing
Ø Leading
Ø Controlling

· Management skills

· Total quality Management Models
· Quality managements philosophy (Juran,Deming,Garvin,Crosby,Ishikawa,Feigenbaum,Taguchi)
· The five function of Quality Management
· Managing for quality for quality and high performance
· Principles of total Quality- customer focus
Ø Customer focus
Ø Participation and Team work
Ø Continues Improvement and Learning
Ø Total quality and Organizational culture

· TQ and Traditional management Practices
· Integrated Quality Management –The future

Mindset & Culture
The aim is to put in place Improvement Process that are:

  • Self inspired
  • All round
  • Continuous
  • Systematic
  • Sustainable
  • Simple and participative by individuals in teams

    These changes lead to Thinking Mind that:
  • Understands the best standards in different areas of workplace.
  • Is committed to implementing such standards to be at the work place.
  • Instantly notices deviations from standards
These transformation programs shall lead to a culture which is:
  • Based on minimum resource requirements, be it equipment, space or people.
  • Prudent when it comes to spending money including buying or hiring external services.
  • Highly productive with efficiency levels comparable to the world standards.
  • Devoid of waste (Muda) in any form
  • Etc,etc,etc.,

Strategies for enhancing Stakeholders Wealth
Early in their lifecycle, start-ups are vulnerable and prone to failure. Mistakes made in critical decisions regarding entry into manufacturing can significantly impact the survival of the firm.
Developing the most appropriate strategy is probably more critical in start-up companies than in established
Existing Enterprises
· Strategic Competitiveness
· The Strategic Management Process
· Strategies use by organizations

Enterprise Environment for next 3 years
· Managing change and Innovation
· Model of Planned Organizational change
· Initiating Change
· Implementing Change
· Types of Planned change
· Technology change
· New- Product change
· Structural change
· Technological changes
· Commercial changes
· Regulatory changes and
Culture change
All Enterprises
Threats and Opportunities.
· How can we Use and Capitalize on each Strength?
· How can we Improve each Weakness?
· How can we Exploit and Benefit from each Opportunity?
· How can we Mitigate each Threat?

Building Resources
Competing for Skills
Creativity and Innovations
· Innovation in organization
· Organizational change
· Managing Planned Change
· Organization Development

Policy Deployment

Hoshin policy Management is a Japanese concept that enables the company to focus efforts and resources on vital breakthrough objectives, in order to achieve a competitive lead or ensure continued survival.
Policy Deployment – a central feature of Hoshin Mangement – starts from the apex of a company. This can be a whole company or a performance centre, business unit, department, etc. Vision which is articulated through a mission statement, expressing the company’s purpose or “raison d’etre” as perceived through the customer’s eyes. Company philosophy, backed by a full set of corporate principles and values.
Daily Management
Daily Management also involves assuring the quality of the service or product provided by the work unit. This operates as follows:

· The work unit systematically rejects incoming non-quality (from suppliers). · The work unit makes sure it does produce non-quality (caused by poor process control).
· The work unit refuses to deliver non-quality to its customers
Continuous improvement ( or “Kaizen”) concerns the whole company, starting with operational staff. Overall, the scope for company improvement is vast, but it is composed of very many individual spheres of activity. At this individual scale, nobody is better placed to improve working methods that the person responsible for doing the work. Each staff member should be fully aware that he or she has two fundamental missions to accomplish:
· Perform the allotted tasks meticulously
· Constantly seek ways to improve working methods
· Lasting company success depends heavily on this constant quest for better,
safer, and more realistic working methods.

Specifically, this quest will address the following goals:
· Fewer accidents, defects and customer complaints
· Lower work-in-progress levels and shorter lead-times
· Better service, higher productivity, increased sales volumes, etc.

The concept of progress is applicable to all activities throughout the company and is expressed in simple terms: staff are asked to think of simple, straightforward ways for working better, cheaper, faster and easier. The first three of these factors correspond to the three sides of the classic “QCD triangle”(Quality, Cost and Delivery).
Project Management
Please use tools like MS Project for achieving first class performance during planning and implementation of projects in the areas of maintenance, expansion and operations including marketing and fund management.
Train the Trainers
Self Managed Teams


Modern company organisation is based on small self –managed work units, which are considered as quasi-independent teams working in a co-ordinated manner toward a common purpose. This kind of organisation offers a sharper response to technological change, customer expectations and employee aspirations.

The main features of this type of organisation are as follows:

Specific groups of operators are assigned with responsibility for specific integrated production activities
Management provides the work units with suitable guidelines and resources, empowering them to control the quality of their work they produce and improve their own working methods.
A new management system is set up, assigning managers with responsibility for providing advisory and support services to related groups of work units.

Target results

Design and experiment on a mew customer-oriented company culture and work organisation, based on lean production practices.
Deploy the new work organisation, to bring the following benefits:
Employee self –management and responsibility
Flexibility and extended skills coverage
Improved speed and efficiency in problem-solving and decision-making process
Boost in production performance(Q,C,D)

Outline of consulting operation

Our Consultants guide the company through the following stages:
Work with Management Team on diagnosing the work unit situation.
Develop a project for new oraganisation and conduct piloting.
Define detailed policy for work unit organisation:
Management procedures for the work unit formation’
Baseline standard for the work unit organisation: control, leadership, Visual management, integration of technical functions
Human resources support plan: career development (new job fuctions), adaptation of timetables and remuneration scales, training for both operational and support functions.
Deploy implementation plans.

Prerequisite for success
Ability of immediate unit management to undergo a mind shift to new advisory capacity.
Constant communication on the impact of the new organisation.
Support from functional, human resources and technical departments (process engineering, maintenance, quality, etc.).
Functional Skills
Excellence in Ms
Process Management
Waste Elimination
Zero Waste
· Waste of Over production
· Waste of Correction
· Waste of Information movement
· Waste of Inventory
· Waste of Waiting
· Waste Motion
· Lack of Employee
Work Environment:
Inspiring and Challenging Work place
Lean manufacturing and Productivity
Measuring Productivity
Lean Productivity
Improving Productivity
Just in Time and Waste free Supply Chain:
Zero interruptions
F Design Flow Process
Ø F Redesign/relay out for flow
Ø L Reduce lot sizes
Ø O Link operations
Ø W Balance workstation capacity
Ø M Preventative maintenance
Ø S Reduce Setup Times
o Q Total quality control
Ø C worker compliance
Ø I Automatic inspection
Ø M quality measures
Ø M fail-safe methods
Ø W Worker participation

S Stabilize Schedule
Ø S Level Schedule
Ø W establish freeze windows
Ø UC Underutilize Capacity
o K Kanban Pull System
Ø D Demand pull
Ø B Backflush
Ø L Reduce lot sizes
o V Work with vendors
Ø L Reduce lead time
Ø D Frequent deliveries
Ø U Project usage requirements
Ø Q Quality Expectations
o I Further reduce inventory in other area
Ø S Stores
Ø T Transit
Ø C Implement Carroussel to reduce motion waste
Ø C Implement Conveyor belts to reduce motion waste

P Improve Product Design
Ø P Standard Production Configuration
Ø P Standardize and reduce the number of parts
Ø P Process design with product design
Ø Q Quality Expectations

Some Aspects of TPM
  1. Kaizen or Continuous Improvement Activities : This deals with elimination of all losses in the production and support sections. Small but continuous changes for the better is the essential theme of Kaizen.
  2. Autonomous Maintenance: Autonomous maintenance activities include all activities carried out by the production department which has a maintenance function like cleaning, checking, lubricating etc. to establish the condition of the equipment as it performance self-motivated teams.
  3. Education and Training : Education and Training programs are intended to evaluate, analyze and improve the skill level of all employees.
  4. Planned Maintenance: Planned Maintenance system is designed to create systems for achieving increased mean time between failure of equipment (MTBF), reduced mean time to repair(MTTR) and sizeable cuts in maintenance costs.
  5. Quality Maintenance: The objective of Quality Maintenance program is to initiate and achieve zero defects, zero customer complaints and zero reprocessing.
  6. MP (Maintenance Prevention) Design and Flow Control: These are activities developed to ensure maintenance free equipment and reduction in the life cycle cost (LCC) of equipment.
  7. Safety & Hygiene: Safety & Hygiene programs establish zero accidents, zero pollution and a perfect hygienic environment.
  8. Office TPM: Administrative and support sections of the production systems are geared upto cater to the demands of the production system without generating wastes or losses. Office productivity improvement is the goal of Office TPM activities.
  9. Major Losses to be addressed
· Shutdown Losses
· Production Losses
· Equipment failure Losses
· Process failure Losses
· Normal Production Losses
· Abnormal Production Losses
· Quality Defect Losses
· Reprocessing Losses
· Management Losses
· Motion Losses
· Line Organization Losses
· Downtime from breakdown and changeover times
· Speed losses (when equipment fails to operate at its optimum speed)
· Idling and minor stoppages due to the abnormal operation of sensors, blockage of work on chutes, etc.
· Process defects due to scrap and quality defects to be repaired
· Reduced yield in the period from machine start-up to stable production.
Lean Sigma
Zero Defects: Six Sigma Performance

What is six sigma?
Six sigma as a system management
Six sigma in your organization.
Note to Manager. How you can help lead Six sigma?
Quality is conformance to requirements
Defect prevention is preferable to quality inspection and correction
Zero Defects is the quality standard
BS EN ISO 9000
Quality is measured in monetary terms – the Price of Nonconformance (PONC)
Customer Delight
Internal & External Customer Driven: Zero Customer Complaints
The importance of customer Satisfaction
Creating Satisfaction customers
Understanding customer Needs
Gathering customer information
Customer Relationship Information
Measuring customer Satisfaction
Tools & Techniques
Visual Management
Introduction of visual controls for inspection and checking can enormously simplify your inspection process and reduce inspection time. The aim of visual management is to create a visual factory where all inspections are carried out by the five sense organs. All instrument gauges should have colour marks to indicate the operating ranges, all valves should have open / close indicators, all pipe lines should have indication of direction of fluid flow, markings of pre-fixed locations for all items etc. These visual controls can simplify inspection and can reduce inspection time. The time spent on inspection can indicate the level of visual controls.

The benefits of visual management techniques are:

Increased ease of operation and inspection.
Reduced inspection time.
Abnormalities show up and are easily noticeable.
Less chances for operation and inspection errors
Improved safety
Increased awareness of activities
Reduced cost
Self inspired superior performance requires constant measuring and monitoring of the performance against competition and aspirations. Extensive use of visual management techniques through team communication boards, one point lessons etc. can inspire team members to continuously strive for the better.

Continuous ImprovementThis process shall aim at:
Elimination of all losses affecting productivity, manpower efficiency, materials & energy.
Improvement of overall equipment effectiveness
Use of problem solving tools to eliminate chronic defects and imperfections methodically.
Systematically return equipment and production line to the performance standard of “new” equipment.
Involving all employees in improvement activities
Achieving full automation and unmanned production systems
Reducing cost
Improving ease of operation and safety
Respecting and implementing in-house ideas and innovations.
Achieving Zero breakdowns in equipment and production lines
Constant but continuous efforts in the right direction, to set things right through involvement of people in project teams is the theme of continuous improvement. Continuous improvement projects are identified and implemented by shop floor level project teams well coordinated by top management.
Systems & Methods
Improvement Tools

Welcoming problems: One major pre-requisite for improvement is the ability to root out problems and solve them effectively. For this reason, Total Quality Management will rely heavily on a methodical approach to problem solving, based on the following principles:
· The process starts with an unbiased examination of process weaknesses.
· Problems are tackled in a systematic and reasoned manner, with the emphasis on hard facts rather than subjective opinion.
· Priority is given to the whole process performance rather than isolated results, which may well prove unsustainable.
· Each problem is methodically traced back to its original root cause before
A definitive solution is sought. To tackle the vast range of possible problems, the company needs a whole panoply of methods.

The ‘Five Ss’ are the initial letters of five Japanese words covering elementary place-of –work housekeeping:
· Organisation
· Neatness
· Cleaning
· Standardization
· Discipline.
By rooting out deeply entrenched problems at the place of work, the 5S programme heralds in a major transformation to grass-roots working practice, backed by in-depth staff awareness on the importance of good housekeeping. By virtue of its rigorous approach and far-reaching effects, 5S is universally recognized as a cornerstone in Total Quality Management and as the most effective way to educate staff on basic quality principles.

Problem solving: Problem solving is a robust grass-roots expression of improvement-oriented corporate culture and as such it represents a powerful tool in the company’s quest for sustainable change. Practical problem-solving activity is beset by a number of difficulties:
· The most serious difficulty stems from incomplete understanding of problems and inaccurate diagnosis of their true causes. Successful analysis requires accurate observation of facts and direct on-the –ground investigation.
· Other difficulties arise from unclear or non-existent reporting of problem-solving activities. Clear succinct reporting, to a standard model, brings many advantages:
-It facilitates communication within the work group.
-It consolidates in-depth understanding of the problem-solving methods
among work group members.
-It enables the company to develop a constantly expanding know-how base
and thus facilitates the deployment of successful problem-solving actions.
· Further setbacks concern the risk of backsliding; once a problem has been solved, we must make sure it stays solved. For this reason, each successful problem-solving action must be followed by a lasting change in working practice. And to make sure the change is lasting, we write up and enforce a new work standard. The work standard should do no more and no less than give clear, sufficient and succinct coverage of all points where non-observance of instructions would be liable to cause defect or waste. Work standards that meet this criterion make a vital contribution to preventing non-quality.

Seven New Management Tools:
The seven New Management Tools are capable of tackling managerial problems and accommodating verbal data (i.e. problems that cannot be expressed in figures). They are especially suitable in non-repetitive service and sales contexts.

Measure & Monitor
Sustaining Momentum
Learning Organization
Bench Marking, For Adaptation Of World –Class Business Practices
Benchmarking means constantly weighing up company performance against that achieved by the best performers worldwide. Efficient benchmarking brings the following benefits:
In-depth analysis of business practices capable of establishing the company reputation and increasing market shares
Adaptation of world-class business practices to the company situation, in order to optimize response to customers’ needs
Determination of concrete improvement objectives with reference to tried and tested practices.
Target results
Achieve outward-looking management style, looking further afield than in house performance indicators
Improve understanding of company organisation, through constant matching against leaders in the field
Develop well-structured information systems allowing accurate comparison against world-class performers
Improve performance through adoption and adaptation of fresh know-how.
Risk Management
Board & Risk Management
· Risk Strategy
· Factors Influencing the Decision
Ø Risk Attitude of the Directors
Ø Risk Attitude of the Stakeholder
Ø Risk Capacity
Ø Risk Appetite
· Risk Committee
· Risk Management Process
Ø Identify Risks
Ø Measure Risks
Ø Design Solution
Ø Implement Solutions
Ø Monitor
Strategic & Operational Risk
· Financial Risk
· Credit Risk
· Market Risk
· Liquidity Risk
· Currency Risk
· Interest Rate Risk
· Legal & Compliance Risk
· Political Risk
· Technology Risk
· Health & Safety Risk
· Environment Risk
· Fraud Risk
· Intellectual Property Risk
· Reputation Risk
Risk Measurement
· Risk Prioritisation
· Assessing Risk
Managing Risk
· Avoiding Risk
· Reducing Risk
· Transfer Risk
· Accepting Risk
Corporate Governance
Definition of Corporate governance
Corporate governance concepts
  • Fairness
  • Transparency
  • Independence
  • Honesty/Probity
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Reputation
  • Judgement
  • Integrity
Corporate governance and agency theory

  • Nature of Agency Theory
  • Accountability & fiduciary responsibilities
The Main Areas of Corporate Governance
  • Directors
  • Chairman & Chief Executive office (CEO)
  • Board
  • Appointments to the Board
  • Annual Performance Review
  • Re-election of Broad members
  • Remuneration of directors
  • Remuneration committee
  • Financial reporting
  • Internal Control
  • Audit Committee and Audit
  • Relations with Shareholders
  • Constructive use of AGM
  • Institutional Shareholders

The Role of Directors
Non Executive Directors
Independence of NEDs
The Chairman & CEO roles
The nomination committee roles
Induction of New board members
Board of Directors – Performance Review
Remuneration of Directors
Institutional Shareholders
US, UK and Local Corporate governance codes
Ethics & Social Responsibilities
Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
What is Ethics?
Ethics: Principles or Rules?
Ethical Dilemmas
Conflict of Interest
Ethical Theory

Ethics Models
· American Accounting Association (AAA) model
· Tucker’s 5 Question model
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
· Corporate Citizenship
· How responsible should companies be?
· Grey, Owen & Adam Model
Ø Pristine Capitalist
Ø Expedients
Ø Social Contract
Ø Social Ecologist
Ø Socialist
Ø Radical Feminist
Ø Deep Ecologist
· Areas of Responsibility
Ø Economic
Ø Legal
Ø Ethical
Ø Philanthropic
· Attitude to Corporate Social Responsibility
Ø Reactive
Ø Defence
Ø Accommodating
Ø Proactive
· Organisations’ ethical and social responsibility stance
· Social & environment effects of economic activity
· Sustainability
· Environmental footprints & Social footprints
· Social & Environment Audits
Global Recognitions
Business ExcellenceBackground

The purpose of Business Improvement plant is to increase by orders of magnitude the competitiveness of companies by:
Developing and deploying within the organisation a set of ambitious competitive goals and quantified objectives
Defining the core processes and measuring their performance against customer expectations and competition (best practice)
Defining the key strategic objectives
Assessing the contribution of these core processes to the strategic objectives
Re-engineering the processes and activities that contribute most to the competitiveness of the company
Applying TQM daily Management approaches to improve the current situation on the other process
Business Improvement plan, besides being the engine of Competitiveness, is a powerful way to make change a cultural reality

Target results
The following results can be expected:
A quantum leap in the performance of the re-engineered process in terms of cost, quality and delivery.
A decompartmentalisation of the organisation
Self managed teams empowered on whole processes
Objectives deployed on processes
Project managed and implemented on a “fast track” model
A Substantial and continuous improvement in competitiveness
The evolution of a new organisation culture where change is an essential dimention
A comprehensive cycle of change planning.

International Quality Awards Program

Ø Japanese
Ø German
Ø European
Ø American

Local Enterprise and Skill Excellence Awards
